As PRII continues to operate its plant and pursue its vision of making significant contribution to the Philippine economy, it stands by its commitment to continue helping the community and protecting the environment.
By constantly interacting with the local community, PRII has established itself as a responsible partner in community development. Throughout the years, PRII has been undertaking various programs for the youth, women, fishermen, transport groups and other members of the community.
On the environmental front, PRII undertakes various programs to help protect, sustain and improve biodiversity in the province of Bataan, either on its own or in cooperation with the local government and other members of the private sector. In particular, PRII has been a pioneering member of the Bataan Coastal Care Foundation, Inc. (BCCFI) that aims to provide support to the integrated coastal management program of Bataan by strengthening the environmental management capabilities of the local government, people’s organizations and the community at large through a dynamic & sustainable public-private partnerships.
Samahan sa Pilipinas ng mga Industriyang Kimika (SPIK)

Responsible Care© Practitioner

ASEAN Vinyl Council (AVC) Member